i had realized something everyone says that fords suck and that they break but ive had more problems with my chev then i have had with my ford so in my eyes ford is better and my grandpa drives an old ford truck that has less problems than any other car i have ever seen be it chev or dodge. and don't even get me started on dodge because the only thing dodge ever did right was its muscle cars. anyway if some tells me that ford sucks then they better know enough info about ford to prove it to me.(chrissy) because im not going to belive anybody someone who knows nothing about fords they at least should know one ford engine size at least. if you are oblivious than don't even bother trying to tell me other wise.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
ok, today is not my day first everyone woke me up early then my blazer won't start and i couldn't pick up my sam so her mom had to drive her to school and now shes not to happy with me. so ya today is not a good day for me not to mention the fact that is like -10 degrees out so it was freakin cold to be out first thing in the morning with otis trying to start my car. now i have to go home and get it started and carve pumpkins. then i have to come back after school and help make pies stupidily. well that is about im going to complain about for now peace out.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Now everybody says that ford sucks but how many people that say actually have any idea about what their talking about take my friend ryan for example he says that fords suck and dodges rule however he doesn't even know how big a hemi is or the companys history not to mention hes never drivin anything other than his moms dodge truck. for his information the hemi had a displacment size of 426 ci and ran about 420 hp now the dodge daytona was the charger was the main car to make a name for dodge but the plymoth hemi cuda was the iconic car. i like cars they are cool. ryan sux and doesnt know anything about cars AT ALL he is a really big loser who talks the talk but cant walk the walk. mabey he should take lesons or something. sam did and now she knows more about cars then ryan does and that is funny. ;P and fords rule over dodges any day.
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Now this is one of the only topics u will ever catch me talking about and it is cars! Or more specificly my car. i have a 1967 ford fairlane it has a 289/302 cobra in it and metal wise is in wicked shape. im going to turn it into a drag car right now it has a 9" ford rear end and is shaped for a 351 so im going to drop in my 351 cleveland and a c6 tranny it will be wicked im going to threough a 750cfm four bbl on it with a electric ignition this thing is going to haul a** the difference is mines candy apple red
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Im a gimp, it turns out that something that happen four years ago has come back to bite me in the ass. What had happen was i had moved our trampoline up against the fence in our back yard which is about 5ft taller than the trampoline and i did a backflip from the on to the trampoline. The problem is when i had landed my right foot had been turned inward and i had landed on it twisting it badly. Now after that i went to th edocter and he said that i had only sprained it however what had happen is i had busted the small outside bone in my ankle. Ok now a few days ago i was laying football when a person had slid into my ankle twisting it almost all the way around so i went to the hosptial and got an x-ray this is when i found out i had broken it in the past, however the docter saw that the break had healed up nicely it was something else that was wrong. The showed me the x-ray results and told me i would need more done because inside that little bone right above the old break i seemed to have an infection or a tomur inside that bone. Now im waiting for the appoitment and am being a gimp until its fixed which really sucks but i guess thats just the way it goes.