Friday, May 04, 2007
This summer is going to be a expensive one i am going put somewhere around $5000-$6000 into may car. Its going be a lot nicer when its done and even funner than it is now. And with a boost in the power from most of the parts its going to go a lot faster and I hope to get it to the drag tracks in ashcroft next year that would be sweet.
I got my car on the road! Its so fun to have power again. and soon im going to buy new rims and tires for it so i can go on trips further than geen lake or in town that will be sweet. And i put my blazer away until I need it again so around winter when its too clod for the car and they start laying salt. But thats not for a while so for now i get to have fun.
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Todday was phat. i went to kammy with Darin who i never really get to see anymore. I could have gone to work but i talked to my mom about it and she said that i get to work all the time, but how often to i get to go to kamloops and spend time with one of my good friends that i only get to see like once every 4 months or so. and then i was like 'you have a point' so thats where i went. i felt kinda bad that i left sam at home all by herself but i dont think her mom would have let her come anyway. well today was cool anyway.
Friday, March 30, 2007
i made it on to the honor roll!!!!!!!!! thats so sweet i didn't think that it was possible for me to get onto the honour roll its odviously the first time its ever happened to me which is insane. And i still don't understand how i got on my marks aren't taht high i dom't think. well i still did. i wonder how long it'll last?
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
on friday me and sam are goin to kammy to watch 300 it going to be wicked the movie is about the spartan army of 300 (hence the name) fight an army of one million! ya its going to be phat and im might buy somthing cool while im in the mall. not to mention on friday i am going to make my last payment on the blazer and be done paying it for good which will be sweet.

This weekend i was working with one of the mecahnics on the lift cyclinder of a 966c loader it was a big job and took most of the day. at the mill it is the chip loader so it has a very large bucket that is to big for the loader and put alot of strain on the loader. the large bucket is all steel and is somewhere around a ton or more. However the bucket is suposed to be made of aluminum. So the loeader is always in rough shape. And the bucket is al least 3 times the size of the one in the picture
Monday, February 26, 2007
this week end i went to work thinking that the operators would not cause any more damage for at least al little while. However when i got to work i was proven horribly wrong they had blowen the engine i the brand new 966G loader. so that i get to scrub and wire brush it clean. part of that was scooping the dirt out with a pain scrapper, and it wasn't your idea of some dirt this was an entire bucket load off one of the loaders so around 1or 2 hundered pounds of dirt. ya everone tells me i have the best job.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Well i applied for TRU and am waiting to see if i scored enough on my test to be accepted which i should find out next week or sooner which will be cool. Now all i need is money. That is a high priority right now, and i keep spending all my money on insurance payments on my blazer, or on gas ,so i cant keep alot of money at any givin time. let alone buy myself fancy things but thats just the way it is. Not to mention that i might be moving to kamloops in the fall and then i have tuition and rent and gas and groceries to pay for so its going to be a change thats for sure. ok well thats it for now cya
Monday, February 05, 2007
Well the new semster has started and i have 2 spares, art, and this class and foods. i have a pretty packed shedule. wow. so full. anyway it kinda sux that sam doesnt have the same spare blocks as me, but i guess it will have to be lived with. i have my final bone specialist appointment on the 15 of this month in Vernon. I am so happy to finally just get this over and done with. it will be a long drive in the morning, but i guess dad and i will have to suck it up and get over it to get it done. ya,, so close to being done.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Thursday was cool. Sam, me, todd, teri, ryan, and kaitlyn all went to kammy to see movies and have dinner. i also wanted to see how much i could trade my X-Box in for, so that i could get an X-Box 360. turns out, it was a lot more then i expected. but dinner was fun. i think sam has this picture of todd, me and ryan all drinking out of the same float. its embarassing. i just hope she doesnt put it on her blog, but knowing her, she most likely will. anyway, ya thursday was fun. me sam todd and teri all saw Epic Movie and boy was that funny as hell. i liked it. it wasnt a bad movie. cant wait to do it again.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
well sam and I watched Saw 3 this weekend, and it was cool, it was really gross and sam was so squemish. especially when the guy had to crush his foot. she jumped bak and like totally twitched out. and when the guy was being twisted to death, she toally jumped too. ya other than that it was a good sadistic movie.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
About this ongoing bet that sam and i have. there are lots of sports. and yes, i guess we could have spectators. if anyone else has some suggestions about more sports. leave a comment.
european handball
and no physical contact sports. i dont want to hurt sam.
european handball
and no physical contact sports. i dont want to hurt sam.
So this is my most prized possesion (besides sam of corse). It is my 1967 Ford Fairlane. Its candy apple red and it has a 289 cu in. One day i want to be able to drag it. that would be so cool. i bought it off my dad for half the price of the engine alone! $2500. good deal. i bought it right before Zanna's mom went to talk to my dad about it. Now she like enivies me and glares at me cuz i have it and she doesnt. I think thats funny.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Well school is bak in and i am kinda disapointed. its boring. but ya. Me and sam now have this running bet. we wrote out this whole list of sports to see who could win them all, or at least the majority. its a big list with all sports (well not all, there are no physical contact sports on the list, despite sams attempts) and this is going to take a while to complete the whole list but we dont care. Sam says that when (hahahahahahahah) she wins that she is going to make me take dancing lessons and take her dancing(hahahahahahahahah) that is never going to happen cuz she isnt going to win a single sport. well this is going to be fun, i still dont know wut i want when i win. hmmmm. something to ponder...
Thursday, January 11, 2007
news years was wicked! me and my sis had a house party at our house and we got wasted and played pool. it was lots of fun. we had two DD so it was safe to get a ride home and if any damage were to befall the pool table than the person responsible for would get severe punishment so everybody was smart and nothing got broke .so that was cool and no one got hurt because nothing got broke. so ya it was fun and we got wasted and had fun. i hope next year is this fun or better that would be cool. ya well uumm peace out
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Christmas is almost upon us and i am kind of excited. i now wut sam bought me, cuz i was there, but i dont care. she got to wrap it. but its a pretty tough case. i guess it fell out of otis's car when sam got out and no one notices, so he drove away. and then sam told me that she went to put her x mas decorations in her shed and she looked down and saw the game lying there on the ground with otis's tir tracks over the game. luckily it wasnt broken so i was pretty happy. ya lucky.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
This weekend was sooo phat. me, sam, kass, otis, justin and melissa all went to kamloops and spent the nite. it was really fun. we went out for dinner then watched a movei (happy feet) Robin Williams is awesome. it was an alright movie, then we went back to the hotel. we did some shopping and i got my PSP game that sam 'bought' for me. she didnt have enough money so she couldnt but she said she was gunna pay me bak. it was a really fun weekend. i hope we can do it again ssometime.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
A hahaha. we got our grandparents pool table and its pretty dam cool. i went up to quesnel on tuesday with my dad and my little brother to get it and ended up spending the nite. sam was preety upset and was kinda mad but I COULDNT HELP IT. im sorry sam but its not my fault. i love you. :) anyway. we got back today and i am super excited to play pool. Sam thinks that she is better than me at pool, but i will prove her rong. thats right, im gunna beat her at pool. but i guess when she came with us to quesnel last time she didnt do too bad. she did beat me a few times but she was pretty good. i cant wait to play pool and beat otis at it. thats right im gunna be the champion pool playa' of my household. BEWARE!!!
Saturday, December 09, 2006

Ha ha ha like a pimp! lol. on friday, the turkey dinner, everyone was hanging out in the librbay and we decided to take a few pictures. this is my favirite. i find it amuzing. thats right kyle's a pimp. i liked the food and the play was kind of weird. i think it was too stationairy. no one moved. this pic is sweet. me, chrissy, sam, and remi. do i detect a sexual tension in the room, i think someone is nervous. and it wouldnt be me sam or remi, i think its chrissy. fun time
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
1986 Chevy Camaro
(Black) 1969 Chevy Chevelle (Red)

Pinks! this is a cool show on tv. its where these ppl take their cars to a drag stip and see whos is
better. its best out of 5 races. Lose the Race, Lose your Ride as they say. in a future race Robert Shields vs. Donnie Denton. Shields drives a 1969 Chevelle. Chevelle engines of that year had a varity of sizes. The sizes ranged from a 396 V8 325bp@4800 rpm to a COPO 427 V8 425bhp@ 5600 rpm. The performance of the L78 396/375 were not too bad. they ran 0-60 in 6.5 sec, 1/4 mile in 14.5 sec @ 100mph and the COPO 427/425 ran 0-60 in 5.1 sec, 1/4 mile in 13.3 sec @ 108mph. so it might be a tough car to beat.
Donnie Denton (Texas):
1986 Chevy Camaro which is most likily going to be a hi. po. 305 0r 350 ci engine and a good shoot of itrous to back it up. here are some stats
1986 305 TPI
190 HP / 285 Lb.Ft.
Intake: .350
Exhust: .385
Intake: 307
Exhust 311
so ya its going to be a good race. but i hope the chevlle wins. Watch and find out who wins

Pinks! this is a cool show on tv. its where these ppl take their cars to a drag stip and see whos is
better. its best out of 5 races. Lose the Race, Lose your Ride as they say. in a future race Robert Shields vs. Donnie Denton. Shields drives a 1969 Chevelle. Chevelle engines of that year had a varity of sizes. The sizes ranged from a 396 V8 325bp@4800 rpm to a COPO 427 V8 425bhp@ 5600 rpm. The performance of the L78 396/375 were not too bad. they ran 0-60 in 6.5 sec, 1/4 mile in 14.5 sec @ 100mph and the COPO 427/425 ran 0-60 in 5.1 sec, 1/4 mile in 13.3 sec @ 108mph. so it might be a tough car to beat.
Donnie Denton (Texas):
1986 Chevy Camaro which is most likily going to be a hi. po. 305 0r 350 ci engine and a good shoot of itrous to back it up. here are some stats
1986 305 TPI
190 HP / 285 Lb.Ft.
Intake: .350
Exhust: .385
Intake: 307
Exhust 311
so ya its going to be a good race. but i hope the chevlle wins. Watch and find out who wins
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

this is my favorite car. its a 1969 Boss 429. the boss has (well) a 429 V8 375 bhp @ 5200 rpm. it runs 0-60 in 6.8 seconds and runs a 1/4 mile in 14.0 seconds @ 103 mph. The Boss 429 came with a race ready 429 cid V8 with ram air induction, an aluminum high riser and header type exhaust manifolds. Mandatory options included a four speed manual and a 3.91:1 Traction-Lok axle. Also included were an oil cooler, trunk mounted battery, race suspension, and the best interior Mustang had to offer. these were one sweet ass cars. and in March of 1969 only 858 of these cars were made so they are rare enough . and the other picture is of the engine of a '69 boss 429. This was a good year for the Ford company. not bad at all.
Well this is gay i cant beleve that i am failing this dam class all because i havent done a few of these stupid blogs. so wut they are stupid and pointless like wut if i dont want to give out any of my personal information? im not gunna sacrafice my private life so i can keep my grades in this pathetic so-called class. like wut do we do in this class? write blogs and write for the newsletter, how gay is that. i find it increddibly time consuming and pointless. maybe if we could actuallly do something interesting it COULD be (no promises) fun, or at least half interesting.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
man my sis's boyfriend is actually a good guy hes like one of my best friends its pretty crazy mostly because me and him have so much in comon its insane and finally some one i can play guitar with. this dude is insane at guitar ottis is actually a lot like me, so my family says i unno if i beleve \them but wutever. he is a good guy for my sis and he is pretty cool
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
i had realized something everyone says that fords suck and that they break but ive had more problems with my chev then i have had with my ford so in my eyes ford is better and my grandpa drives an old ford truck that has less problems than any other car i have ever seen be it chev or dodge. and don't even get me started on dodge because the only thing dodge ever did right was its muscle cars. anyway if some tells me that ford sucks then they better know enough info about ford to prove it to me.(chrissy) because im not going to belive anybody someone who knows nothing about fords they at least should know one ford engine size at least. if you are oblivious than don't even bother trying to tell me other wise.
ok, today is not my day first everyone woke me up early then my blazer won't start and i couldn't pick up my sam so her mom had to drive her to school and now shes not to happy with me. so ya today is not a good day for me not to mention the fact that is like -10 degrees out so it was freakin cold to be out first thing in the morning with otis trying to start my car. now i have to go home and get it started and carve pumpkins. then i have to come back after school and help make pies stupidily. well that is about im going to complain about for now peace out.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Now everybody says that ford sucks but how many people that say actually have any idea about what their talking about take my friend ryan for example he says that fords suck and dodges rule however he doesn't even know how big a hemi is or the companys history not to mention hes never drivin anything other than his moms dodge truck. for his information the hemi had a displacment size of 426 ci and ran about 420 hp now the dodge daytona was the charger was the main car to make a name for dodge but the plymoth hemi cuda was the iconic car. i like cars they are cool. ryan sux and doesnt know anything about cars AT ALL he is a really big loser who talks the talk but cant walk the walk. mabey he should take lesons or something. sam did and now she knows more about cars then ryan does and that is funny. ;P and fords rule over dodges any day.
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Now this is one of the only topics u will ever catch me talking about and it is cars! Or more specificly my car. i have a 1967 ford fairlane it has a 289/302 cobra in it and metal wise is in wicked shape. im going to turn it into a drag car right now it has a 9" ford rear end and is shaped for a 351 so im going to drop in my 351 cleveland and a c6 tranny it will be wicked im going to threough a 750cfm four bbl on it with a electric ignition this thing is going to haul a** the difference is mines candy apple red
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Im a gimp, it turns out that something that happen four years ago has come back to bite me in the ass. What had happen was i had moved our trampoline up against the fence in our back yard which is about 5ft taller than the trampoline and i did a backflip from the on to the trampoline. The problem is when i had landed my right foot had been turned inward and i had landed on it twisting it badly. Now after that i went to th edocter and he said that i had only sprained it however what had happen is i had busted the small outside bone in my ankle. Ok now a few days ago i was laying football when a person had slid into my ankle twisting it almost all the way around so i went to the hosptial and got an x-ray this is when i found out i had broken it in the past, however the docter saw that the break had healed up nicely it was something else that was wrong. The showed me the x-ray results and told me i would need more done because inside that little bone right above the old break i seemed to have an infection or a tomur inside that bone. Now im waiting for the appoitment and am being a gimp until its fixed which really sucks but i guess thats just the way it goes.
Friday, September 29, 2006
about me
I am Canadian!! However i have been forced to live on the streets after my iglue was hit by a burage of highily volitile and dangerous hockey pucks. No I dont have to live in a iglue and the hockey pucks arent highily volitile so u don't have to think that life is that hard here because it can get pretty hot here. however im stuck to living in a tiny town with the only one up side of having my friends and my girlfriend sam here with me. and thats about all for now because I have other things to do.